this town I live in

this street I live in
this house I live in
may each be the focus of my prayer
Those I live with
those I rub shoulders with
those I work with
those I don't get on with
may each be the focus of my prayer
Those who laugh those who cry those who hurt
those who hide may each be the focus of my prayer
Prayers centered less on self and more on others
less on my circumstances
more on the needs of others.

May my life be likewise centered
less on self and more on You
and through You to the world
in which I live and move.
Within the circle of my family and friends
May I be a source of peace
a hand to hold accessible
generous loving A blessing Within the circle of my acquaintances
May I be a steady rock a ready shoulder dependable
trustworthy caring A blessing Within the circle of my community
May I be a light that shines a love that flows
discernible accessible healing
A blessing
Fr. Tomas Del Valle-Reyes
Discovering 21 Century /Descubriendo el siglo 21
P. O. BOX 1170
York, NY 10018
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