Blest are you, Lord Jesus who came to us a little child one of us, flesh and blood to share in our humanityFor God so loved the world

ALL: That all might have eternal life
Blest are you, Lord Jesus who came to us as carpenterand yet in whose creative hands a world was fashionedFor God so loved the world
ALL: That all might have eternal life
Blest are you, Lord Jesus who came to us as fishermanand yet pointed to a harvest that was yet to come For God so loved the world
ALL: That all might have eternal life
Bless are you, Lord Jesus who came to us as teacher and opened eyes to truths that only the poor could understand For God so loved the world
ALL: That all might have eternal life
Blest are you, Lord Jesus who came to us as healer and opened hearts to the reality of wholeness
For God so loved the world
ALL: That all might have eternal life
Bless are you, Lord Jesus who came to us as prophet, priest and king and yet humbled himself to take our place upon the cross For God so loved the world
ALL: That all might have eternal life
Bless are you, Lord Jesus who came to us as servant revealed to us the extent of his Father's love for human kind For God so loved the world
ALL: That all might have eternal life
Bless are you, Lord Jesus, who rose from the ignominy of a sinner's death to the triumph of a Savior’s resurrection For God so loved the world
ALL: That all might have eternal life
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son for the sake of mean you and other sinners too God so loved the world Bless are you Lord Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer
From the beginning you knew the final outcome watched as the jigsaw pieces were slotted into place saw the significance of every moment.
As your body was anointed with oil at the table of Simon the Leper the picture was becoming clearer not only in your eyes but to an unknown woman and one of your closest friends.
Judas sensed that this was his moment sacrificing trust that had been so freely given on the altar of selfish gain for his fifteen allotted minutes of fame and thirty pieces of silver The woman recognized the moment.
She gave generously unselfishly a costly gift, freely offered.
A fragrant sacrifice of perfume and love remembered forever in your heart.
And as Judas slipped away unnoticed your disciples saw none of this failed to see the significance of the moment.
Two sacrifices, one of trust and one of love.
But you noticed, Lord as you notice each day our sacrificial offering and betrayal.
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Discovering 21century
Tomás Del Valle-Reyes
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