Daily Reflection with Fr. Tomas Del Valle-Reyes

Dear Friends: Praying is not easy. Our daily routine calls for our full attention. And the world around us puts little value on prayer; our lives are full of material things but at the same time are getting emptier in God’s value.

For this reason, I will post a daily reflection and as you visit this site may the Holy Spirit within you come to your aid and guide you gently to the God who loves you

Monday, August 23, 2021

It is not easy to say

When the going gets tough
the tough get going.
It is easy to say 'No'
to take the easy way out easy to play safe
and live to fight another day.
Like Peter, who loved you
with such a passion, Lord filled with such energy
so impetuous ready to speak first
and ask questions later.
Except when asked if he was with you, Lord
except when his faith was seriously challenged
when the road to the cross became dangerous.
You knew Peter
knew the caliber of the man what would happen
before the cock crowed twice
But it didn't stop you choosing him
the rock upon which
your Church would be built.
There is comfort for us, Lord
in Peter's frailty
reassurance that your love
and confidence extends
to both strong and frail
as you look to our potential
and in your love forget
our momentary weakness
How often when weary do we sigh 'The spirit is willing,
but the body is weak.'

How often when in prayer are thoughts distracted by
sounds or circumstance or prayers diverted
by trivial concerns? Baggage carried with us
rather than left at your feet.
How often do we find ourselves
apologizing to you for our abbreviated prayer life.
And yet you draw us still to be in your presence
as you did the disciples at Gethsemane
You want us to share in your life
to play our part.
You told your disciples to watch and pray
so that they might not fall into temptation
Do you ask the same of us
and do we also fail you
each time we whisper
'The spirit is willing,
but the body is weak.'
Grant us the strength, Lord
of body and of spirit
to offer you the sacrifice
of our lives

Descubriendo el Siglo 21
Discovering 21century
Fr Tomás Del Valle-Reyes
P. O. BOX 1170
New York, NY 10018
(212) 244 4778

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