I saw the crown of thorns He wore
The stripes on His back
The water and the blood ran out
And then the sky turned black
My mind was filled with anger
My heart filled with shame
The man brought only healing
Well who could bring Him pain
Why does it seem the strong
They always victimize the weak
And suddenly I found myself
Standing to my feet
And I cried

Who nailed Him there?
This Child of peace and mercy
Who nailed Him there?
Come and face me like a man
Who nailed Him there?
And the crowd began to mock me
I cried Oh my God I just don't understand
Then I turned and saw the hammer
In my hand.
I am just a Roman soldier

I love my wife and children
I do the best I can
But how could I have killed Him
There must be someone else
I got to find an answer
I can't blame myself
I nailed Him there
This Child of peace and mercy
I nailed Him there
I am the guilty man
I nailed Him there
With my sins and my transgressions
I cried Oh my God, now I understand
When I turned and saw the hammer
In my hands
Fr. Tomas Del Valle-Reyes
Descubriendo el Siglo 21/Discovering
21 Century
P.O.BOX 1170
New York, nY 10018
Tel- 212-24-4778
Programa de Radio “La Tertulia”