Daily Reflection with Fr. Tomas Del Valle-Reyes
Dear Friends: Praying is not easy. Our daily routine calls for our full attention. And the world around us puts little value on prayer; our lives are full of material things but at the same time are getting emptier in God’s value.
For this reason, I will post a daily reflection and as you visit this site may the Holy Spirit within you come to your aid and guide you gently to the God who loves you.
A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said,
Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.'
The Lord led the holy man to two doors.
He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in.
In the middle of the room was a large round table.
In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew,
which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water.
The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly.
They appeared to be famished.
They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful.
But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths.
The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.
The Lord said, 'You have seen Hell.
They went to the next room and opened the door.
It was exactly the same as the first one.
There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water.
The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking.
The holy man said, '
I don't understand.
It is simple,'
said the Lord.
'It requires but one skill.
You see, they have learned to feed each other. The greedy think only of themselves.'
When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you.
Descubriendo el Siglo 21
Discovering 21century
Tomás Del Valle-Reyes
P. O. BOX 1170
York, NY 10018
244 4778
When you are sad.....I will dry your tears.
When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears.
When you are worried.....I will give you hope.
When you are confused.....I will help you cope. 
And when you are lost....And can't see the light, I shall be your beacon....Shining ever so bright.
This is my oath.....I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask?....Because you're my friend.
Signed: GOD
Descubriendo el Siglo 21
Discovering 21century
Tomás Del Valle-Reyes
P. O. BOX 1170
York, NY 10018
244 4778
Heavenly Father,
on windswept beaches
your saints of old
held their hands up to you
in wonder and amazement felt your power through the roar
of wind and surf and exposed to the elements
felt an oneness with the One
who had created all things.
This world does not often allow us
such intimacy with you,
we are crowded out by circumstances of our own choosing
seeking fellowship with each other
rather than with you.
Forgive our unwillingness
to follow in the footsteps of your saints
to meet you in the solitude of your creation
Forgive our unwillingness
to get our feet wet.
Descubriendo el Siglo 21
Discovering 21century
Tomás Del Valle-Reyes
P. O. BOX 1170
York, NY 10018
244 4778
Does your schedule keep growing beyond control
Till you're just running around day after day?
And you know you need to, but you just can't see how
To take time to study and pray.
For you take kids to school five days a week
With appointments and deadlines to keep.
Then you have club activities and baseball practices
With barely enough time to sleep.
Most of the time, you feel like you are "running on empty"
Or on "fumes" from the last sermon you heard.
But the God who loves you wants to energize you each day
From the pages of His Holy Word.
And if you'd make time each day to seek Him and pray
He'd grant a peace when you're frazzled and sore.
For He wants you to grow in the midst of your busyness
And to hunger for Him even more.
So if your life is that hectic, you need to shift gears
And make time with Him a priority each day.
Then you'll be so blessed, convinced and refreshed
That you can't afford not to study and pray.
Descubriendo el Siglo 21
Discovering 21century
Tomás Del Valle-Reyes
P. O. BOX 1170
York, NY 10018
244 4778